The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48012   Message #719185
Posted By: Amergin
28-May-02 - 10:30 PM
Thread Name: Memorial Day, A Look Back
Subject: RE: Memorial Day, A Look Back
Banjer ddon't be sorry....

this weekend I started on a project for my will be for christmas if I can pull it off...and I sincerely hope to....I am looking for stories about my uncle Jim (her brother) who was a sergeant in Korea...and later flew for Air America in Vietnam....he died several years ago of lung cancer...but you can still see the tears in her eyes...when she thinks of him....

One family can pretty much trace our war dead to both sides of the Civil War...and both sides of the War of Independence...

Mick...and both have my deepest respect...don't let some wanker get to you....