The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48012   Message #719227
Posted By: Big Mick
28-May-02 - 11:51 PM
Thread Name: Memorial Day, A Look Back
Subject: RE: Memorial Day, A Look Back
Well, Matriot, I did go back and read the first post and when taken in its complete context (which you seem unwilling to do) it is not intended, nor would a reasonable person, take it as offensive. But so be it. But while you are quoting you forgot the part where I made it clear that I was not chastising but questioning. Perhaps my later line was uncalled for, where I compared you to those that spit at me. Really happened in the airport in San Francisco. I took my civvies and personal effects out of my duffel bag and put the bag in the trash. If that is what set you off, then accept my apologies, please.

When it comes to the rest of your arguments, take the time to read my past posts. Go to the Vietnam songs thread for a view of how I think on the Generals/Admirals. I can't stand anything that glorifies war. I am not sure why I ever posted that I was a Vet on this forum to begin with. I don't have any problem with your view of the warlords using these things to their own ends. What I do have a problem with is your fucking superior attitude towards those of us who choose to use this day to teach our children, and remind others, that a price (whether wanted or not) was paid. I personally could give a shit if you ever tip your hat to the lives that are represented on those monuments. I don't give a flying fuck if you can't look at the names and at least take a moment on this or any other day to acknowledge that each one is life cut short. I see many things in those names, not the least of which is that people I FUCKING KNEW died for a cause that they weren't even sure they supported. Your bonehead, elitist fucking attitude that they marched off and died for no good reason is a typical of those with pat answers for their own fucking misery. Some probably did march off blindly. Others, like myself, found themselves facing death wondering what for. I AM NOT ASKING YOU TO ACCEPT ANYFUCKING THING ABOUT THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, RICHARD NIXON, YOUR DAD OR MY MISERY. My point is simply that we have a day to ponder those names and reflect on why they are dead. For some that is inspirational in a positive way. For others it is inspirational in a negative way. For folks like me, it is a source of pain and determination that this thing that took these young men and women will NEVER be glorified. And it is a moment for me to say to a few of the names that I wish we could go fishing, have a beer, talk about R&R, grow old, and die when we were supposed to.

Like it or not, I sorrow for you families losses and sacrifices, and I pray that no young person will have to face it again. As we see today, my hopes are in vain. But I will honor these people by questioning, singing their songs, and challenging at every opportunity those that make the decisions. And I salute the warriors that make it OK for you to have your opinion. As I have said, we agree fiercely on most things. But the fucking know it all chip you have on your shoulder is easy to have because you've got all the answers. Tell it to the folks on the wall.

Oh.............yeah.........I forgot. Peace. I'm outta this one.
