The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48012   Message #719264
Posted By: Ebbie
29-May-02 - 01:34 AM
Thread Name: Memorial Day, A Look Back
Subject: RE: Memorial Day, A Look Back
"I do what I do on Memorial Day not to dishonor your war dead, but to honor mine." Matriot, you lie. Your intent without question was to dishonor those on the thread who remember their loss, and who hurt.

I come from a pacifistic family (they went into alternative service, not prison) and I am against war, capital punishment and the fistfight in the back alley- but I live in the real world and like it or not, the real world indulges in all of that.

That said, I choose to think for myself- and I don't bring "my family" into every point I wish to make as though they and I were joined at the hip. I'm beginning to think you have no such family at all.