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Thread #48038   Message #719503
Posted By: Steve in Idaho
29-May-02 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: Anti-Conscription Movement
Subject: RE: Anti-Conscription Movement
Laughing at comments - Too funny! Bullying? That is hilarious! Maybe you ought to go back and look at what I've done since the war. It's posted here. I am always assuming that since I may challenge, but generally respect, other's choices that my own would have the same attention paid. I forget who I am talking to. So whether or not you respect me is pretty much a non-issue. And I don't see your stance/participation on anti-war activities. Just some vague innuendos about having done something.

I don't know what a war apologist is so you lost me there. I'm not apologizing for anything. I do firmly believe that as long as people don't meet on common ground to end something so terrible as war then war will continue. Warriors know it first hand and activists have the incredible gift of naievity to fuel the fire of change. Between us we can do something.

I spent my time with the Viet Nam Veterans Against the War, I protected peace marchers (still a warrior so was that OK?), demanded an end to the craziness, drove people to Canada, and a lot of other things. It took both sides to effect change. So for me it is important to have some credibility about the experience of war. If you haven't participated it leaves a bit of a hollow ring to it.

So you certainly don't have to respect anything GUEST. But you are certainly able to do it from the safety of anonymity - most of the activists I worked with were more than willing to stand up and put their names and faces on the line with us.

What I do certainly respect is the inalienable right of dissention - and GUEST you certainly have earned my respect for your ability to encourage that. It's one of the things I believe I went off to war for. Whether it's true or not is a moot point - as I've already gone and returned.

So on the issue of conscription - I think it is something that is a reality here in the US. I also believe that I have a choice about whether or not I will be conscripted, or my children too for that matter, and am willing to do whatever is necessary to prevent any of my kids being sent off to do battle. But if they choose to go I'll respect their decision to do so. I've a daughter who is a Sgt. in the US Army, I'm very proud of her and her accomplishments, I've a daughter in the Peace Movement in Oregon, and I'm just as proud of her. I've a son who opted not to join the military and was willing to go to Australia to avoid service, and I'm proud of him also.

So I think you don't respect because you don't know - and are unwilling to research to learn. Maybe I'm wrong but you haven't shown me much except your willingness to exercise your right to dissent. And to point a finger at me and say I'm a war monger or a supporter of the militaristic approach is only a half truth. I support the military. I also support the rights of Americans, and anyone else, to question the validity of the use of the military. And that does not include demeaning names for officials making those decisions.

Well I've babbled enough here - I have a child sexual abuse case to go to work on - that's my contribution to helping the world today.
