The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48038   Message #719859
Posted By: CarolC
29-May-02 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: Anti-Conscription Movement
Subject: RE: Anti-Conscription Movement
The main thing I would take issue with about your wording, DougR, would be the use of the word "religion". I think people should be able to use the conscientious objector option for reasons of conscience even if what their conscience tells them is not a part of any particular established religious doctrine.

In other words, if someone believes that their country is requiring them to kill people for reasons such as protecting oil interests for instance, rather than to preserve liberties, I think the individual should have a right to follow their conscience and not kill people for oil. (This is just one example. I'm sure there are many different scenarios where this would apply.)

I have no problem with the concept of "alternative service" in such a case.