The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48038   Message #719866
Posted By: Big Mick
29-May-02 - 08:10 PM
Thread Name: Anti-Conscription Movement
Subject: RE: Anti-Conscription Movement
Yeah, Carol, I think that is an important distinction. For too long we have linked morality and conscience to established religions. But as you so correctly point out, there are many that are just opposed on the basis of their own values whether religiously based or not.

And GUEST, there you go again. You build that phony crap. I didn't respond because you just aren't correct and you are just baiting. Furthermore I don't want to see this thread hijacked by a no name troublemaker. Got a new guitar yet, BTW?

Back to the subject at hand. It is true that I believe that in this imperfect world things like the draft/conscription are necessary tools to use to protect the freedoms that are often taken for granted. But the key to not allowing the powers that be abuse them is a well informed citizenry with diverse views and the ability to express them. The war in Vietnam was ended because people had the right to protest, question authority and influence opinion. To be sure there were other factors but the protesters were a huge factor. Something we learn in political activism is that it is always a fight for the middle. The strident folks on the fringe are the ones that ultimately, through their questions and consciousness raising tactics, cause the middle to examine their positions. The anti-conscription movement is vital to this argument in order that the abuses don't occur, or if they do attention will be called to them.
