The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48038   Message #719922
Posted By: Bobert
29-May-02 - 10:03 PM
Thread Name: Anti-Conscription Movement
Subject: RE: Anti-Conscription Movement
First of all, yo GUEST and Steve. Chill! Give peace a chance and all that. Think, "win-win".

Now as for the ol' Bobert's favorite song and dance routine. Military thinking is: "Logistics, logistics, logistics." Conscription is just one facit of the overall logistical plan and in the thinking of those who see military solutions as a means of solving problems, is no more than that. (Just as long as it ain't their sons or daighters...)

Yeah, I think that peace is a second step with anti-war being the first. We gotta quit blowing up other folks and our kids over differences of opinions. We gotta dtep to the plate, as partisally enlightened Earthlings and say, "Hey, this war stuff don't solve too many problems. Might of fact, the danged stuff just creates more of itself..."

Well, how is this done? Easy. Not really. But doable. The US is is the world's "WARRIER NATION" and not too many folks in the US, irregardless of their beliefs, have any control over the US's appitite for blowing up other folks and their stuff. So, we gotta get alternatives on the table. And these alternatives have to have some credibility. A good start would be for the Green Party to get 5% in the 2004 presidential election so that in 2008 a Greenie would be in the election debates. That would give an alternative voice some crdibility and then maybe we, as USA'ers would take time to think, "Hey, maybe this war crap ain't all it's cracked up to be...?"

After that happens then maybe the USA'ers might just get to the next step and say to themselves, "Hey, what's the next step?"


Vote Green
