The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48038   Message #719928
Posted By: catspaw49
29-May-02 - 10:23 PM
Thread Name: Anti-Conscription Movement
Subject: RE: Anti-Conscription Movement
Two quick notes here.....First, there was a handbook printed in the 60's that covered the religion and ethics issue quite well and I recall it being titled, "Ethics As Religion." It was a difficult road to get CO status using ethics but it could be done.   On the other hand, for many serious protesters, myself included, CO was not the point whereas removing public support toward the war was. Worth mentioning is that anti-war people were a mixed bag and included the requisite percentage of complete flakes and assholes just as you'd find in other groups. These were the jerks who couldn't resist yelling fuck the war/Johnson/Nixon/the pentagon at every chance they got and being the ones responsible for the spitting incidents and other sad acts. There was certainly also a group consisting of those who had been there, the anti-war vets, and those who were actively standing against the government through civil disobedience. It did not seem them and does not seem now that these two groups made "strange bedfellows," but rather were a natural alliance.

In any case, the issue of ethics was a hot topic then and I was surprised not to be able to find that book or a reference to it on the net. And just for the record, I'm all for some kind of mandated service........Let them choose the options. Military of course, but then bring back the WPA and the CCC (still around actually) as well as VISTA and other newer programs....I can think of a few service areas! Frankly, I'd like to see a situation where no one could enter college til their service was up. I think you'd find a lot more serious minded students at our universities.

AND MICK......LMAO here! "And GUEST, there you go again. You build that phony crap. I didn't respond because you just aren't correct and you are just baiting. Furthermore I don't want to see this thread hijacked by a no name troublemaker. Got a new guitar yet, BTW?".....Not so oddly, I was having that conversation with another 'Catter concerning our Guest! (:<))
