The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48049   Message #719998
Posted By: reggie miles
30-May-02 - 03:02 AM
Thread Name: So how was Folklife?
Subject: RE: So how was Folklife?
I had fun too! I've never had an official workshop before but there I was hosting one on flexing razor sharp spring steel, 213 terribly trecherous teeth betwixt me knees. It was easy, as I end up giving impromptu workshops almost every time I busk with my saw. I've answered most, if not all, questions about how to play the saw so many times to so many folks that it really wasn't a difficult at all. It was nice to hear so many of the folks comment after trying mine, "I've got to get one of these!" I'd like to try to organize the folks in the area and maybe call it Sawplayers Association of Washington State (S.A.W.S.).

I didn't have a chance to catch too many other events. Later, on Saturday, I was at the NW Court stage with two friends, Hugh Sutton playing accordion and Jack Cook on guitar. We cranked out some bootleneck stuff, nice and greasy like and I even had time for a couple of saw numbers with the boys.

Later still, I went to the participants party with Hugh and that's where I met Genie. She was leading a small but dedicated group of singers in song with an endless list of familiar favorites. So Hugh and I joined in with accordion and saw. Their exuberance was contagious but I finally had to make for home to get some much needed sawing of logs time in as tomorrow was another busy day.

I sat in with The Howlin' Haolies, Bill Merwin and friends, during their Hawaiian swing dance set at The Roadhouse stage on Sunday. I mostly scrubbed my washboard/sound effects gizmo, the 1929 Maytag Custom Dixie Delta Deluxe Eldorado Rhythmboard but did get a chance to play one on my Nobro slide guitar and one on the hand saw as well. Afterward I joined some friends from Portland, OR, Bayou Cadillac to busk a set in preparation for their show on Monday at the NW Court stage. Sam really knows how to rock out a set. I was fried after scrubbin' on my board with them each day and had to retire to the relaxing atmosphere of the participants lounge for some much needed r&r. I guess I needed the exercise, I haven't been playing too many gigs as just a washboard precussionist < (an uneducated percussionist).

Later Monday I found a quiet spot near the Mercer Street entrance to busk on just my saw for a while,as I was waiting to get into the Alki Room, where all of the cds were being sold, and do a set on the open stage they had there. I got there just in time, well, okay, I was running late and went a little long with my set. One performer, who was waiting, was not pleased but my set of frothing at the mouth and foot stomping went well enough to elicit smiles, applause and even a cd sale or two. Who could ask for more?

I missed an opportunity to play for the benefit show for Artis, who is recovering from a heart attack, but I understand there will be other chances to get involved.

Yes, it was a very fun and full weekend for me. I'm still recovering from it and need to try and catch up on some more of that sawing of logs. It's a good thing I got all that saw practice in over the weekend.

Saw y'all later, Reg.