The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48038   Message #720117
Posted By: InOBU
30-May-02 - 08:30 AM
Thread Name: Anti-Conscription Movement
Subject: RE: Anti-Conscription Movement
Hiya guys...
I am a little out of it today, had a wee biopsy on my right little finger, big crater, annoying when typing... but to the point... Religion and faith are two different things, as is faith and spirituality. One of my best friends who I used to teach (HA!) Quaker first day school, gave the following quote to a Quaker adult ed. course for new Quakers... "Universalist? Well... I'd like to call myself a Universalist, but in reallity, ... I don't believe anything!" he went on to say "but something in meeting makes it all clear to me, I have to live with reguard for others..."
So, what do we make of that in reguards to religious objection. There are things we can't describe, but we know we must not kill.
As to human nature, in the history of humankind, when one includes prehistory, war is a very recent development, tied to planting. In my openion, when India, Pakistan, Isreal, a mess like the former USSR, (and yes, even the us that is the US) has the ability to end life on earth, it is time to evolve - where is Tom Lehr when ya need him.
Peace (ouch) friends,