The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48038   Message #720254
Posted By: folk1234
30-May-02 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: Anti-Conscription Movement
Subject: RE: Anti-Conscription Movement
Just a few thoughts re the issue of conscription. Thank you ,Guest Peace Matriot for putting this issue on the table. It is important for posterity that well meaning people on both sides of the issue exchange views.
A famous person (was it Churchill?) said, ".. war is diplomacy by other means." When our, and our adversaries', elected and appointed leaders fail in diplomacy, we send our young people to fight and die. When one or both sides has suffered enough, the diplomats find common ground upon which to make peace.
Whether the young sacrificial lambs are conscripts or volunteers makes little difference to society or the loved ones left behind.
As a young Marine 2ndLt in Vietnam, I had a number of draftees in my platoon. They were a little older and better educated than the 'volunteers', but no less willing to do what they they were asked to do (many times much more) in order to accomplish the mission, survive, and help their comrades survive. They suffered and bled the same red blood as did us 'volunteers/professionals'.
A person who has experienced the true horror of combat becomes forever 'anti-war'. Nevertheless, if called upon to serve again, most will, rather than send someone else.
Those of us who have different opinions, for example Guest and I, must work within our own realm to both strive for peace, while preparing for war, and most importantly preserving our liberties. To do anything else is pure folly.