The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48038   Message #720269
Posted By: GUEST
30-May-02 - 12:33 PM
Thread Name: Anti-Conscription Movement
Subject: RE: Anti-Conscription Movement
So Lonesome EJ, did you somehow disagree with the "Fuck Nixon" sentiments?

I certainly didn't. In fact, the night Richard Nixon resigned (now there was a day to celebrate!), I was at a concert given by the band War (you know--that great band nobody has ever heard of anymore who did classic pop songs like "All Day Music"), the audience went INSANE!!! It was well over an hour of dancing and screaming and carrying on--the band just put on their pre-concert tape and came out onstage dancing and carrying on with audience--it was one of the best celebrations I ever attended!

But you know what Lonesome EJ? IMO, you sound much too cynical to have ever been authentic and sincere about anti-war activism, if your last post is anything to go by. We saw a lot of so-called "peace activists" like that in the 60s and 70s. Mostly looking to party and get laid, as I recall.

Folk1234, you totally don't get where I, and other war resisters are coming from. We are opposed to the institutions of war, especially the institutions of war which are perpetually preparing for waging war. You can't, as many people (including Gandhi) have repeatedly pointed out, simultaneously oppose and prepare for/wage war.

War resisters oppose the soldiers choice to go to war--or aren't you understanding that difference? We don't support soldiers choices. That is exactly the point of what we do in the most positive sense. We support the people who refuse to become soldiers. We support the people who are trying to education the next generation to become war resisters, and to refuse to serve in and support the military IN ANY WAY.

I'm beginning to think some of you really don't get this... :)