The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48038   Message #720300
Posted By: GUEST
30-May-02 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: Anti-Conscription Movement
Subject: RE: Anti-Conscription Movement
Well, this a bit trickier than "I agree to disagree" now, Folk1234. On the one hand, we have a long human history of warfare and forced conscription of soldiers. As we've discussed elsewhere in the past few days, the idea of "voluntary" soldiering is very modern. Sure, there have always been mercenaries for hire, but there haven't ever been that many of them to tip the balance of power.

Now then. We have a global situation where the militaries and the paramilitaries of the world are holding a gun to everyone's head, and saying "agree to disagree", and "respect our choice for deciding to hold a gun to your head".

We all know that soldiers are human. But just because they are human doesn't mean we have to allow them to get away with killing other people in our name.

There is nothing fascist about not compromising one's ideals and principles. And that is exactly what some here are demanding I do. Compromise my ideals, to accomodate the feelings of military people and their supporters who don't want us troubling their consciences.

Sorry, but I won't do that. But that IS NOT fascism.

Now, you insisting that war resisters respect the choice of soldiers to kill people--that is pretty bizarre. Let's remember Folk1234, it is a solider's job to kill. Just like the purpose of a weapon is to kill. That's what they do. I don't respect their choice to kill people in war.