The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47990   Message #720524
Posted By: Helen
30-May-02 - 08:26 PM
Thread Name: Kendall's Cure
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
Stilly River Sage,

This is Kendall we're talking about. "Sinsull and Barbara, I predict less crankiness as he feels better. It works that way for most people. " Most people - this direction. Kendall - anywhere but there. (grin)

This fight/flight vs mothering instinct, in the case of sickness, is obviously another case to add to the files on the great psychological and linguistic divide between men & women. Hubby gets cranky if I "mother" him when he's sick and wants to just be left alone. I get cranky because he is "ignoring" me when I am sick when I need some loving attention/support.

Just been watching Allan Pease videos on body language etc and his latest called Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps. It's really funny, and very apt.

Get back to your normal healthy cantankerous (marshmallow-hearted) self, Kendall. ASAP.
