The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48038   Message #720833
Posted By: Bobert
31-May-02 - 08:40 PM
Thread Name: Anti-Conscription Movement
Subject: RE: Anti-Conscription Movement
Well, whoever it was that pointed out that there was failed logic in the National Liberation Federation actually winning, well, the NLF did win and the US and its allies lost. But the NLF also lost because there are no real winners in war. Just victors.

Someone else said that we strive for peace, while preparing for war. Anything else would be folly. Hmmmmm? There's something inherently wrong with this thinking because, bottom line, if those are your thoughts, you cannot be working toward peaceful settlement of conflict.

As the WARRIOR NATION, the US can kick anyone's butt it wants to so, hey, with that a given anytime the US cannot impose the necessary circumstances for folks to not blow each other up, it has failed miserably. I mean, you give my 101 year old senile grandmother the US's might, and she would figure a way to create situations where folks don't go blowing each other up. Duhhhhh! Why is this such a difficult concept for folks to get?

The reason that the US continues to blow folks up and allow other folks to blow folks up is because of greed by the ruling class, lazines, shortsightedness, pride, heathens in sheep clothing and an absolute indifference to human life. There are no other ways to look at this. There are no logical rationales. If the US wants peace (or no war... since peace is harder to achieve...) then the US gets no war. Period.

But, no, my ol' buddy DougR etal, will say that the ol' Bobert just lives in a dream world. Why? 'Cause the DougR's of the world have been so programed over sych a long period of time that they are no capable of seeing that the world has changed so dramatically that war, as we know it, has to go. It certainly won't happen under the "Last Harrah" Warrior, George WWWWWWWWW Bush but he is a dinosaur and doesn't know it. It will happen because it has to. Period.

Now, for all of you who think that blowing folks up is inevitable, and have thousands of hours of tapes running through your heads that prove that blowin folks up is inevitable, it's your turn to run your tapes. Fire away. Ol' Bobert has made himself a big ol' target. Yeah, knock yourselves out...

End of rant.

Thank God

