The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40187   Message #721066
Posted By: toribw
01-Jun-02 - 10:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lessons our Moms taught us
Subject: RE: BS: Lessons our Moms taught us
You're very right, Jerry.

My mother would say she's a nothing special, not particularly talented and not a beauty. She's wrong on all counts.

She had six children, and received not a penny of support and she somehow managed to keep it all together the entire time we were growing up. She worked two jobs through most of my years in school, and rarely let us see how tired she really was. That, to me, is strength.

She demonstrated constantly that laughing was better than crying, not to bemoan my lot in life, but to work every day to improve the situation. Her philosophy is if you don't like what's going on with your life, quit complaining and change it.

She showed me that trying new things and failing was much better than wondering what might have been.

She taught, by example, that I shouldn't just sit but do something, whether it's reading, singing, sewing, cleaning or gardening. Make good use of time, since it slips away all to quickly.

Her wonder at where in the world I got this desire to sing and play music in public is kind of surprising to me. Her lessons inspire me to try, to stretch myself and not be afraid to take chances. She was right, of course, music has turned out to be one of the most rewarding things in my life. Fear of failure could have easily kept me from trying at all.

Thanks, mom.