The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48120   Message #721086
Posted By: Amos
01-Jun-02 - 11:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: would you want to know
Subject: RE: BS: would you want to know
There are many cases on record where that sort of decision---belioeving one can and will recover-- results in healing.

The most famous one actually completely reversed a condition of advanced lymphoma, to the point of being completely well; then was told the drug he had been given had been rejected as unworkable and his entire condition came back in a few days; he was then told he was being given an advanced and improved version of the drug; he again reveresed the entire course of the disease and became healthy until he was later told that the drug was discontinued as it was proven ineffective; at which point he again relapsed and died. The case is documented, among other places, in "Healing Words". Dossey, L.

Although I would like to know exactly what the doctors' believed, I would not myself be foolish enough to think it was true, in any personal and irrevocable sense.

If the family believew there is a chance the friend might heal himself if not given the bad news, they of course think they are doing he right thing.

I woud be inclined to go see him and tell him that if he doesn't make it, he meant a lot to me.