The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10380   Message #72109
Posted By: Joe Offer
19-Apr-99 - 05:09 PM
Thread Name: Is anyone as scared? Part 2 (KOSOVO)
Subject: RE: Is anyone as scared? Part 2 (KOSOVO)
I've stayed away from these threads on the warfare, because I just don't have an answer. As a pacifist, this kind of situation makes me question my pacifist ideals. The claims of genocide appear to be truthful, although I find it hard to understand how such a thing can be done by good people like the Serbians I've encountered in my lifetime.
It would seem to me that the combined powers of NATO should be able to simply use economic power to force any nation to do whatever should be done - but I guess economic pressures don't work quite that simply. Since that hasn't worked, it would seem we should be able to use our sophisticated weapons to wipe out only the military targets of Serbia - but that isn't working, either. It seems that there aren't any simple answers, and that we'll just have to do our best to blunder to a solution.
I also have a hard time believing in monsters, but maybe they really do exist. Is Saddam Hussein a truly evil monster - or is the monster just a creation of propaganda? What about Slobodan Milosevic - monster, or propaganda?
What rationale do the Serbians have? They seem to think they're right in all of this - why? If Milosevic is truly a tyrant, why do the good people of Serbia allow him to continue?
I wish I understood. I wish I had answers. All I know is, I believe in peace.
-Joe Offer-