The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48038   Message #721274
Posted By: GUEST,sophocleese
01-Jun-02 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: Anti-Conscription Movement
Subject: RE: Anti-Conscription Movement
No Doug I don't think Bush gives a fuck what I think. But he is basing his terrorism on the polls of an American people continually harassed and subjected to a mind numbing campaign that says that war is normal and the only way to do things.

I am anti-war and have been for all of my adult life. It has been noted that among nations that those that spend above a certain percentage (which I cannot remember exactly at the moment) of their GNP on their military inevitably end up fighting a war somewhere. Those nations are considered 'Supra-critical'. America has been a supra-critical nation now for many years and this site contains a partial listing of American military interventions in the last century. For one hundred years the list gives 130 interventions. Make no mistake War is Buisness and America's Business is War not peace.

If you want to use the old chestnut "If you want peace prepare for war." Don't forget if you prepare for war you inevitably end up with it.