The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20316   Message #721282
Posted By: Deda
01-Jun-02 - 07:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lapsang Souchong
Subject: RE: BS: Lapsang Souchong
I adore teas of all kinds. I'm overly sensitive to caffeine so I have to ration myself, but in my cupboard I have the following: Lapsang suchong, loose leaf; "pitta tea" bags (an ayervedic tea, no caffeine); peppermint, both home-grown loose and in bags; jasmine (caffeinated, quite lovely); KavaKava (helps get sleepy); Sleepytime (chamomile, mostly); licorice tea; ginger tea; generic decaf black tea; "Goodtime" tea, which is a poor imitation of Chai; English Breakfast loose leaf -- and about 20 or 30 others. I got hooked on teas when, after living mostly on coffee and cigarettes throughout my 20s and into my 30s, my gut just gave up and couldn't take the abuse anymore. I love and miss coffee but it goes through me like Drain-O. Teas have wonderful properties and can be very healing; they can stimulate or relax or comfort or enliven, heat one up or cool one down. Thanks, 'catters. What a great group!