The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48038   Message #721340
Posted By: Bobert
01-Jun-02 - 09:17 PM
Thread Name: Anti-Conscription Movement
Subject: RE: Anti-Conscription Movement
Good work Ebbie, Larry Guest, sopholeese and others. DougR and LEJ still can;t get it because of the miles and miles of tapes that the ruling class/masters of war have stuck in their heads. They are hopelessly stuck with their attention firmly afixed to the rear view mirror. Where we see unprecidented opportunity and potential for changing the manner inwhich earthing conduct business their tapes scream, No, No and thousand times NO!

Yaeh, the USA is the WORLDS POWER and can have things the way they want 'em if they will get behind them and SELL them the way they market Air Jordons in Third World countries. Yeah, they can SELL peace. They can SELL anti-war. But the ruling class is too lazy, greedy and anti-human to tell their boys to do it.

Well, it will get done because it has to. And when it does, Dougie, don't fret and wring your hands for your beloved ruling class/ masters of war because they will end up on their feet selling stuff that benefits mankind rather than the junk they sell now for folks to blow up each other...

