The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20316   Message #721440
Posted By: Haruo
02-Jun-02 - 02:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lapsang Souchong
Subject: RE: BS: Lapsang Souchong
I just saw this thread for the first time, and haven't read it all yet, but must say I do like lapsang souchong. I also like sassafras root tea (though I've been told it's carcinogenic or something), and generally ocha is the only thing I'll drink when eating sushi (which is my absolute favorite thing to eat) though I used to put away a lot of saké in that context.

My maternal grandmother was a dedicated imbiber of Red Rose teabag tea. Wouldn't touch Lipton's (which was most of the tea available in Seattle in those days). I remember when Constant Comment became all the rage. Dates me, enit? When I was in high school I used to drink glass after glass of Lipton's powdered iced tea mix with saccharin added. I have pretty much recovered from that addiction.

My coffee of choice is Bargreen's Kenya Select, or if I'm flush Caffè Appasionato's Celebes varietal. I used to really like Ethiopian Yergacheff, but haven't seen it for awhile.

I also love spruce beer, anent which mayhap I should start a new thread.
