The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48159   Message #721561
Posted By: wysiwyg
02-Jun-02 - 10:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Just What the FBI needs MORE POWER!
Subject: RE: BS: Just What the FBI needs MORE POWER!
We were discussing yesterday, here at home, how was it that the FBI got the job of hunting own terrorists in the first place, and then got the lucky job of taking the hit for the failure to do so? What's more likely?

So say a US covert operation got derailed in another country... It would be their law enforcement folks who'd nabbed our gang? Like the thing is merely crime, and not an act of war or espionage? I don't think so, although law would be brought into play, maybe, once they were nabbed, to make a propaganda opportunity (AKA "trial"). And I don't think we'd ever hear it covered accurately on the news on our side, either, whatever had happened. It would be deny, deny, deny.

So whose job is it, actually, to know what the other side is up to within our borders? And how (and what) are THEY doing? *G* How is slamming the FBI helping them?

And how come we didn't see Tom Ridge showcasing the new, improved FBI, out in front of the reorganization and new guidelines? What the heck has be been doing? If the FBI is getting increased powers, how is that sitting with local law enforcement, and how does that affect the delicate balance ol' Tom was said to be tinkering on?

So did I miss somehting in the news coverage, working as I have been on a huge music project, or is it a little odder than usual at the moment?
