The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48038   Message #721760
Posted By: Amos
02-Jun-02 - 04:55 PM
Thread Name: Anti-Conscription Movement
Subject: RE: Anti-Conscription Movement
Capitalism is the engine that drives the war machine.

What a crock -- talk about dead horse shit. Oh, anonymous and somewhat pusillanimous, but quite articulate Guest, the war machine is not "driven" by an economic model. Do you think there is a big difference between Papa Joe Stalin's Red war machine, Uncle Adolf's National Socialist war machine, Ho Chi Minh's Commnist war machine, or the Roman Empire's plutocratic one? Don't be redickledockle.

War is driven by individuals in the throes of psychosis, or it is driven by physical threat and self-defense.

It is not capitalism I was speaking of per se, anyway, but the notion that transnational commerce is a good way to avoid war, because it investsa lot of interest in the preservation of open transactions across spaces which would have to be cut off from each other in order for war to be conceivable.

If you are talking about the merchants of chaos and military weapons, well, I concur -- but they are their own brand of psycho, not a product of capitalism.