The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48176   Message #722000
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
03-Jun-02 - 02:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: what's blooming ?
Subject: RE: what's blooming ?
Nice Annexe, how do I get to post to it?

I had 3 pyrocantha blooming like crazy (firethorn) until last Wed, when the wind and rain got it... but the dogwoods are out, two of my white roses (Iceberg and Swan Lake), although I've lost 2 other roses, a forsythia (thanks, neighbour!) and 2 broom bushes. Me Bleedin' 'arts are doing nicely as is the Bastard Service tree, the Bloody Cranesbill is in bud and I've got a nice patch of blue flax still flowering despite the bracken making it's way across the garden like the sprawl of the Roman Army. The pond has more plants in it, a cinqefoil and some more flag iris, the duckweed is spreading due to a heavy downpour, which washed it out of its basket (memo to self, must get a duck) and the pondweed is still there. A recent trip to a garden centre saw a sign for 'pond molluscs, 45pence each', which gave me a quick calculation of approx. £4,500 in my pond. Any one want some watersnails?

Does anyone know of aquatic life I can get that eats watersnails but not daphnia? I have thousands of each, but don't want to get a fish that would clear the lot and make the water green. I'm toying with the idea of a newt or two.....

Anyway, everything in my garden (except the flax) at the moment is white, the bleeding hearts having all dropped last week. Incidentally, my father in law calls them 'naked ladies in the bath'. If you take a flower and turn it upsidedown, gently pull the two 'hooks' apart, you'll get an old fashioned bath with a white lady standing in it.....