The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48038   Message #722151
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
03-Jun-02 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: Anti-Conscription Movement
Subject: RE: Anti-Conscription Movement
Bobert, you're getting dangerously close to actually discussing the solutions when you say The sad thing is that they could be building and selling things like windmills which would produce all the power needed for the Earth without burning one danged thing. Or they could build irrication systems which turns deserts into farm land. Or mass trsansit systems. Heck, they could do a lot of things but they refuse. Instead, we get the same old worn out, anti-human and Godless products that blow folks up. Real bright, boys! Here's a shocker for you....I think you're right! Where we disagree is their motive for not doing these things. I don't think they refuse because weapons are evil and they enjoy doing evil. I think they produce weapons because there is a ready market for them, and they have the production and distribution down pat. If feeding people could be made as profitable as helping them kill one another, General Dynamics, Dupont, Lockheed-Martin, etc would be lining up to fill the bill. Unfortunately, the largest customers for weapons are the governments of nations, and the popular revolutionary movements that oppose them. If these people were more interested in feeding their own people than in subjugating them and maintaining power, your market for items to improve the quality of life would be ready made.

In a Capitalist World (sorry...that's pretty much what it is) consumers usually dictate the direction that manufacturers take. By denying supply, you don't kill demand. And you cannot create, even with the best advertising, a demand where none exists.