The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48173 Message #722543
Posted By: JohnInKansas
03-Jun-02 - 11:49 PM
Thread Name: Origins:Time Has Made a Change in Me
Subject: RE: Chords-Time Has Made a Change in Me
Joe - guess I'm a "newby." My SingOut!s only go back to v38. - and the "reprints" only go up thru v12.
Volume 45#3 page 100 says you can mail a request to
Shelley Posen Songfinder SingOut! P.O. Box 5460 Bethlehem, PA 18015-0460
with a SASE.
The indication is that Mr. Posen is actually in Ontario, so it may not be quick, although it shouldn't be tough for them to reply since you've got the vol/issue and page number.
Alternative - leave off the "Songfinder" and get the back issue. V35#1 is listed as available for $3.50 - features Katie Webster and Garnet Rogers. (see page 174 in V43#3) Then you'll post it all here, of course????