The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48038   Message #723239
Posted By: Bobert
04-Jun-02 - 09:45 PM
Thread Name: Anti-Conscription Movement
Subject: RE: Anti-Conscription Movement
LonesomeEJ: We are making some progress here. Now bare with me for just a couple more laps. You think that the market drives the supplier. Hmmmmmmm? Depends on just how limited the supplier is in his offerings. It also depends on how well his admen sell his crap. 99% of folks who own SUV's don't need them!!! But they have had it drummed into their feeble busy minds that if they want to portray success they had better danged well own own or fear that late knock on the door from the status monitors who inform them that, hey, this is Brookshire and in BROOKSHIRE, we drive SU-friggin-V's, pal. If all you produce is crap then it'll get bought. Now, here's an idea. WHAT IF (poor ol' Douggie going, "Danged, here we go with another of Bobert's endless list of what if's".) one capiatlist broke ranks and said, "Hey, I'm not making bombs no more. I'm making winfmills". And what if they spend a few bucks with the same folks who convince folks to buy the SUV's they don't need to sell the idea of telling the Middle East keep their oil 'cause we don't need it because we can meet all our energy need with wind power. And what if renigade capitalist were to sell power directly to the consumer at a price that was competitive with the power produced by burning stuff up? Now this is do-able. Now, the consumer says, "Hey, this is refreshing. And it is responsible and it doesn't mess up the environment and, hey, I can look mu grandkids in the eye because my generation didn't pass the buck." This is what I'm talking about. Don't believe for one minute that folks are inherently evil. They just haven't been given any choices by the lazy, evil folks who think they know what's best for you, me and the rest of the world when all they are really interested in is the easiest way to keep what they have. And screw everyone else....

End of Bobert's latest rant.

Vote Green
