The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48248   Message #723588
Posted By: catspaw49
05-Jun-02 - 11:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: USA 3 Portugal 2!!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: USA 3 Portugal 2!!!!!
Cute piece Guest.........'Course it's frankly getting dated anymore, especially when 2000 folks showed up at Crew Stadium out here in the hicky part of the midwest at 4:30 in the morning to watch a game on TV. The sport's spectators may not be as ravenous as in other parts of the world, but it's growing by leaps and bounds and is getting bigger all the time. More kids now play Soccer than any other team sport. Doesn't really thrill me because I love baseball, but through my kids I've become a fan. Lots of "Soccer Moms and Dads" in all parts of the states now.

So just as soon as we take over this whole thing, the rest of the world can blame us for screwing up their sport with typical American overkill. We plan on really pissing everyone off by forcing the game to be called Soccer.
