The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10445   Message #72380
Posted By: Steve Parkes
21-Apr-99 - 03:43 AM
Thread Name: Who Wrote Shakespeare's..ummm..songs?
Subject: RE: Who Wrote Shakespeare's..ummm..songs?
Somebody said that there wouldn't have been many, if any, "mute, inglorious Miltons" in Gray's country churchyard, because talent will out. If old Will had been a genius, the chances are that he'd have got noticed; and if he was very good, he'd have got to the top. Remember, he had a grammar school education - he'd have read the Latin classics in the original, and so he'd have plenty of source material.

Well, it's not done for a Staffordshire man to support a Warwickshire man (although it's ok when it's against Americans!), so I'll pont out that there were many 16th century writers, who've had a raw deal from history. Go and read Marlowe and Jonson and Greene (who?), and see who you like best.
