The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48273   Message #724149
Posted By: ozmacca
06-Jun-02 - 05:45 AM
Thread Name: Hello i'm new around here
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
There's that Greg Stephens again, going on about how people have a down on things like morris, bodhrans and banjos. And never even mentions the Scots or Australians, even though I do play bodhran and sing (so I claim anyway)... Going on about polkas as well, as though they weren't an invention of the devil. Dear, dear me.... And to think such a once great intellect has had to sink to this. Really gets me provoked.. I think I'll write to the Times. "Dear sir, this is me writing...."

Honestly frankyz, you'll like it here... AND THAT'S AN ORDER!!!