The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48273   Message #724420
Posted By: Deda
06-Jun-02 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: Hello i'm new around here
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
Another welcome from Colorado--but I'm slightly nearer to you, being just east of the Rockies in Boulder. Glad someone could post the Dante line in its original, otherwise I would have felt compelled to dig it up myself and I can't read Italian. It could have taken me years.

This is a very fun place to goof around. If you like writing songs to order, or for a good laugh, check out the Challenge threads. We all write songs here -- and some of them are downright awful. Personally I could no more compose a tune than I could sing opera.

I'm here when I can escape from work, but usually not on weekends. Again, welcome aboard the Ship of Fools.