The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10455   Message #72483
Posted By: Sam Pirt
21-Apr-99 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: Your 6th sense
Subject: Your 6th sence
OK let me take you in to this slowly. It may seem a bit mad but this is sort of the way I view it. I see music as this indiscribable 'force' that only certain people seem to be able use (musicians & singers. The strange thing is why certain performers seem to hold this more than others. I have been to hundreds of concerts (singers & musicians) and I have discovered that certain performers seem to bring across in live concerts and occasionally on cd such moving performances that you can at times have sort of an 'out of body experience' (Am I making sence?) What I want to know is have other people felt this strong force or sixth sence. I can only describe this as a sixth sence, so, what do you think it is that enables things in music to move me in such a big way? and why can certain performers do this better than others? This is a complex issue but an interesting one I think

Bye, Sam