The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44001   Message #724961
Posted By: GUEST,ozmacca
07-Jun-02 - 12:05 AM
Thread Name: Campsite at Drumcree IV
Subject: RE: Campsite at Drumcree IV
.......And in a last minute addition to tonight's Australian National News, an announcement has been made by the Prime Minister, Mr Howard, that the navy has been alerted folowing reports from coastal surveillance sub-contractors in a balloon over the Indian Ocean that an unidentified vessel of undoubtedly foreign origin has been sighted, apparently headed int the general direction of Australia. Mr Howard has described it as highly probable that this could be another boatload of illegal immigrants and queue-jumpers who pose a significant terrorist threat to the law-abiding Australian people.

The friendly governments of Iraq, Iran and Iswam have been asked to provide temporary accomodation for any asylum seekers who make it through the ring of steel which is to be established by the Australian armed forces around our shores. Mr Ruddock, the Minister for eliminating Immigration has described this a humane act, intended to ensure that no unwanted starving, desperate foreign national may set foot on our soil, and have to be taken in to our detention centres. These have now been white-washed by the Commonwealth's special investigative body in response to the international demand for a fair and independent examination, but will not be ready to re-open until the paint dries.

The entire Australian military establishment has been placed on a high state of readiness and all leave has been cancelled. Both rowing boats are to set to sea immediately with orders to find the incoming vessel, which is reported to have been exchanging signals in an unbreakable code with other unidentified sources. It is reported that they have orders to stop and board the vessel.