The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48321   Message #724969
Posted By: Mudlark
07-Jun-02 - 12:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why don't people trust doctors?
Subject: RE: BS: Why don't people trust doctors?
Consulting a doctor is expensive, you will be given very little time and/or attention, your lab results will be far more important than your own physical body and symptoms, and in 99 cases out of 100 you will be given a Rx, probably the latest item being pushed by the detail men. If you happen to be drug sensitive, or if the drug doesn't work, or causes more problems than it cures, the doc is liable to get mad and give you even less time.

Consulting Mudcat, however, is free,you will get a lot of time and attention from caring people who often have suffered the same type of symptoms, and they wont get mad if their suggestions don't work for you.

I read my first book on iatrogenic illness (that caused by the medical establishment) about 30 years ago, when my husband was diagnosed, eventually, with malnutrition after following the AMA diet he was given after a heart attack.

I am grateful to have doctors and hospitals, I have even known a few good ones of both, but they are hard to come by and the bad ones can do a lot of harm.