The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48159   Message #724985
Posted By: leprechaun
07-Jun-02 - 01:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Just What the FBI needs MORE POWER!
Subject: RE: BS: Just What the FBI needs MORE POWER!
For me a target rich environment is one where I have thirty different people I could indict next week if I only spend six hours writing the affidavit, two hours putting together the operations plan, one hour briefing the team, and four hours searching the house, then six to twenty hours examining the evidence and writing the arrest report. That's a minimum of seventeen hours, not counting the hours my teammates spend helping me, for which I have to reciprocate on their cases. And they each have thirty people they'd like to arrest on their case loads. So ten investigators times thirty targets times seventeen hours or more, and we have only forty hours a week to do it. A lot of well deserving, truly evil targets get left out. And I'm supposed to take a break from that to spy on Quakers? Don't flatter yourself, I need something that will keep me awake.

But what if I get there, knock and announce, wait the required twenty to thirty seconds, kick in the door, handcuff everybody, and then I don't find anything. Maybe they sold it all yesterday. Maybe they burned it in the fireplace. Maybe they flushed it while I was waiting the federally required twenty to thirty seconds. Maybe it's all at one of their other houses. Or buried in the mountains. I can have all the probable cause in the world, but if my timing isn't right, the evil person not only walks, but they get to accuse me of violating their rights.

That's OK. I expect that from evil people. They can sue me, but I think my affidavit will stand.

But the aforementioned blindly predisposed folks are out there. They can get themselves on TV, they can get themselves on a jury, they can write letters to the editor, they can even be the editor. I will not get a fair shake from them.

And if one of those twenty-nine other people I knew about but didn't get to this week happens to sell heroin to somebody's daughter and she overdoses; if one of those twenty-nine other people gets all cranked up and beats his girlfriend's four year old to death, if one of them puts together a meth lab that blows up and burns down an apartment house; who's the first one to sceam about me not doing my job?

You know who.