The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10445   Message #72522
Posted By: Rick Fielding
21-Apr-99 - 05:13 PM
Thread Name: Who Wrote Shakespeare's..ummm..songs?
Subject: RE: Who Wrote Shakespeare's..ummm..songs?
Hi, Thanks for the feedback guys. I'm feeling a little bit like one of those "new mudcatters" who earnestly ask about the merits of Bob Dylan as a folksinger, and haven't a clue who Jeanie Robertson, Horton Barker or Bosie Sturdivant is. 'Fraid that's me in the Shakespeare thing. I'm getting the idea that anyone with half a brain KNOWS that there never actually WAS a controversy, and all those Oxfordians etc. are dumb kooks with far too much time on their hands. I may very well come to that same conclusion myself, but I'm still going to plow through the verbiage as long as it's interesting. All I actually wanted to know was do we know what tunes were played to the songs during Shakespeare's lifetime. The title of the thread was one of my weaker attempts at humour.
Hi Bruce, I'm embarrassed to say I haven't visited your website yet (forgive me Sandy), but if you'll let me know how to get there, you may never get rid of me.