The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48248 Message #725346
Posted By: GUEST,Den at work
07-Jun-02 - 01:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: USA 3 Portugal 2!!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: USA 3 Portugal 2!!!!!
I still can't believe this is spaw talking. So if you have been replaced by a football loving clone that's ok by me. Anyway I too have been watching the growth of the sport in N.America. Its growing in popularity here in Canada as well. I believe that it will be a major sport in the US before too long. I have watched the US team over the last couple of years and the thing that I find most striking about them is their fitness. They closed Portugal down the other night and ran them quite ragged. The thing they have to work on is technique but that too will come. They lack somewhat in that natural kind of flare that is found in the great European and S.American players. I think as more people get involoved with the sport future generations will be blessed with the more natural instincts. They put money into sport in the US which is admirable. I wish more money was spent in sport here in Nova Scotia. Our teams have to play on fields that are no better than cow pastures. It's a wonder there aren't more injuries. So good luck to the US soccer boys in the rest of the tournament. Den