The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48353 Message #725488
Posted By: radriano
07-Jun-02 - 03:58 PM
Thread Name: Help: What is bulgine pie?
Subject: Sea term: bulgine pie
I know that "bulgine" was the American slang term for a railway engine but there are two shanties I know of in which the term "bulgine pie" is used. One is the river shanty "A-Rolling Down the River" whose full chorus is:
Oh, a pumpkin pudden an' a bulgine pie, A pumpkin pudden an' a bulgine pie, A pumpkin pudden an' a bulgine pie, Aboard the Arabella!
The other shanty is "Hilo, Boys, Hilo" which has the following verse:
High an' dry we'll hoist her high, Hoist her high for a bulgine pie.
Both of these shanties are in Hugill's "Shanties From The Seven Seas" but neither of the entries gives an explanation for the definition of "bulgine pie." Was there an actual dish called "bulgine pie" or was the phrase nonsensical?