The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48354   Message #725561
Posted By: GUEST,MCP, Lyric Add
07-Jun-02 - 05:30 PM
Thread Name: Folk Opera: The Transports (Bellamy, et al.)
Subject: ADD: The Black and Bitter Night (The Transports)
This takes me back to 1980 when I did the music for (and sang the Human Turnkey in) a version of The Transports put on at the National Folk Festival by Herga Folk Club, with a cast that included Jim Mageean, Johnny Collins, Ann Lennox-Martin and Mel Dean (all regulars at the club then).

The song referred to above is actually The Black And Bitter Night and here is the version as sung by Mike Waterson on the original recording. (I'll put the tune up when I've got a bit more time)


(Peter Bellamy)

It is cold, sad and lonely in this dismal cell,
No solace comes up with the day
My heart knows an anguish that no tongue can tell
Since they've taken my true love away.

Oh the black and bitter night,
And oh, the weary day.
My love has been snatched far, far from my sight,
And the transports will bear her away.

When first in this prison so deep was my pain
Then she came and she banished dismay.
But now in despondence I'm drowning again
For they've taken my true love away.

Though surrounded by horrors yet we found delight,
For where love is no sorrow can stay.
But misery and squalour swim back to my sight
Now they've taken my true love away.

Aye, the grasses still grow and the streams still down flow
And the blackbird still sings on the spray.
But in dank, dreary dungeons there's nothing but woe
Since they've taken my true love away.

Well, if I were a seagull I'd fly to her side;
And it's there that I wish I could stay.
But soon the cruel prison ships leave with the tide
And they're bearing me true love away.

If I was a herring I'd wait by the slip,
Though I waited a year and a day.
Then through the wide oceans I'd follow the ship
That is bearing me true love away.

So lovers cling fast to each pleasure you find
And cherish each moment of play.
For all you will have is what stays in your mind
Once they've taken your true love away.