The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10455   Message #72572
Posted By: Colin The Whistler (inactive)
21-Apr-99 - 09:02 PM
Thread Name: Your 6th sense
Subject: RE: Your 6th sence
Music is it the player or the listener.. Amateur players can loose themselves..teenagers loose themeselves in pop /rock music etc...I'm guilty..I very rarley play without trying to give over 100%, when you are on this plane it is quite mystical.. when you here other people trying to learn what you do..or other professional players who are at them same standard as you, you gain an internal feeling that is hard to explain outside the musician's world. But people don't play the instrument may take five years to play it right may take another five and then to decide from the great wealth of tunes that exsist..which one's to learn ... then to have to sit down, spending hours learning and practicing them, is all the part of a great equation that has a three minute result, when playing to the public !!..It's not a bloody wonder you go into an internal trance.. But then when ya finish and ya know it's right..Ya here the applause..then its all worth it.

Yes I agree but its not strange..when you put so much work into something's nice to internally druel over the away Mudcatters... Or Dare I call them Mudcateer's!!!


Colin Ballygally