The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10452   Message #72576
Posted By: bet
21-Apr-99 - 09:12 PM
Thread Name: Max Wants:
Subject: RE: Max Wants:
Max, now you're geting into things I know about, I've been making cheap instruments, doing folk songs with kids etc for 34 years plus. Glads that sounds like a long time but I'm not bord with it, I love it more everyday. We have an arts festival for the kids every year and this year my workshop wil be making several instruments cheaply. I have several ideas out on my desk that I can send you now and can gather more as I clear the mess off and start new piles. My students would love to contribute also, they are full of ideas. Where do you want the stuff sent? I can really get excited about this. Love to help you, bet