The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48353   Message #726028
Posted By: GUEST,Bill Kennedy
08-Jun-02 - 11:50 AM
Thread Name: Help: What is bulgine pie?
Subject: RE: Sea term: bulgine pie
look in any dictionary, try Webster's, under bullgine- not bulgine- 'bulgine pie' is nonsense, there is no such 'dish', but I think it is meant to be scatalogical, like 'cow-pie', used for the rhyme & to go with 'pumpkin pudding'. These two shanties started life as railroad work songs, not sea shanties, so the connection to bulgines is to steam locomotives, maybe 'bulgine pie' is some slang expression for detritus involved with the railroad that has been forgotten, but I'd vote for a somewhat scatalogical nonsense rhyme.