The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47990   Message #726300
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
08-Jun-02 - 09:14 PM
Thread Name: Kendall's Cure
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
If I were in your situation now, I'd be looking to diet and herbal remedies to provide comfort and extra energy. Slipperybark elm is one you should look for. Avoid the sugar still. Get LOTS OF SLEEP in a regular pattern, if possible. I heard somewhere recently that it isn't just getting 8 hours, but getting to bed before midnight for those 8 hours. The earlier in the evening you go to sleep, evidently the better it is for you. I don't have chapter and verse to back this up, but observed for myself through my recovery that getting to bed early made a huge difference.

The countdown was intended to give you a jumping off point for beginning to feel better, giving a psychological advantage. You'll get better, but on your time schedule, not the lists'. Take care!