The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47990   Message #726355
Posted By: kendall
09-Jun-02 - 01:09 AM
Thread Name: Kendall's Cure
Subject: RE: Kendall's Cure
Cant wait to see ya Sandy.You are an outstanding friend, mentor and confidant. Dani, I know about 500 songs by heart, so, I'm sure we can click on at least a few. If your customers can abide a damn yankee singing in their country, they can sure as hell stand us singing together. What do you have by way of Folk Legacy records? I know many of the songs that they have recorded over the years. Plus, there is a songbook called RISE UP SINGING which every folkie has; surely there is something in that little tome. Congratulations on your restaurant! I hate to see anyone waste their time working, but, if that's what you want, go for it. I'm looking forward to January when I can visit you in your new place. I have so many friends between here and Florida, I'll need all winter to get there.