The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48159   Message #726395
Posted By: DMcG
09-Jun-02 - 03:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Just What the FBI needs MORE POWER!
Subject: RE: BS: Just What the FBI needs MORE POWER!
On 02-Jun-02 - 11:06 AM I posted an article from the UK Guardian about a move to track all emails. "The Observer" from 9th June has a similar article which adds in the following clarifications:

* Police sources say new powers on accessing personal data will come into force in Britain towards the end of the year

* Companies that run internet sites will be required to retain passwords used by individuals, record which website addresses are visited, and keep details of webpages looked at and any credit card or bank details used for subscriptions.

To spell this out: in order to implement these new powers it looks as if even the smallest web site that allows purchase on line will have to keep a permanent record of your credit card. It is inconcievable that all these sites will have enough security in place to ensure the credit card numbers are not stolen. In order to counter a rare but high risk threat the government wants to create a widespread risk. It is harder to think of an action or an approach that will do more to discourage use of the purchasing over the net and purchasing from Europe in particular.