The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48159   Message #726867
Posted By: DougR
09-Jun-02 - 11:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Just What the FBI needs MORE POWER!
Subject: RE: BS: Just What the FBI needs MORE POWER!
Yes, Carol, I think you are right (surprise!) I do think the terms Liberal and Conservative mean different things in different societies.

Don, I respect your views regarding the definition of liberal and conservative, but I don't agree with it. Conservatives recognize the value of both large and small businesses, that's true. But big business does not dictate their thinking. Actually, small business is a stronger driving force in our economy, probably, than big business. I do not buy the popular belief by liberals that conservatives are uncaring about the disadvanted, or that they are resistant to change either.

President Bush has just proposed the biggest change to government organization than has been attempted since 1947. Does that make Bush a liberal? I don't think so.

He has also proposed the most radical change to Social Security that has been proposed since SS was established. That makes him a liberal? Nope.

Are either of these proposals evidence that conservatives are resistant to change?

Bush wants to abolish the death tax. That tax, in my opinion, should never have been enacted in the first place. It was passed (as I recall) during WW I, and too many Americans since then have been double taxed just because the Congress wants more money to spend. Is his proposing that it be abolished evidence that conservatives are resistat to change?

Bush wants those on welfare who are able to work, to work. Is that an outrageous expectation?

Bush wants those federal agencies concerned with home security to be organized in a more efficient manner, and has proposed a reorganization. Is that being resistant to change?

I don't know how I would classify the Founding Fathers.

Carol, you seem very confident when you point out in an earlier post that they were definitely liberals. Really?

Would liberals have beem willing to GO TO WAR to gain what they wanted (freedom? I don't think so. But, that's how we got it, right?

Applying the popular definition of consevatism(on the Mudcat at least) the Founding Fathers would never have approved waging war with England for their freedom because they would have been resistant to change! So I don't know how to classify them. :>)
