The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48439   Message #727100
Posted By: CapriUni
10-Jun-02 - 03:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Any birthday happies to me?(SharonA)
Subject: RE: BS: Any birthday happies to me?(SharonA)
Well, if this isn't a case for an Octave, I don't know what is!

An Octave is where you celebrate your b'day for 8 days: start on the eve before, and then continue for a week after. That way, belateds aren't so belated, and 1 sucky day can be made up with others that aren't.

So, in honor of this octave of yours here's a little filk to help banish whatever suckies may be getting you down (Thank you, Rodgers and Hammerstein!):

Do: some cash, to pay your bills
Re: (well, it's still a drop of sun)
Mi: who's wishing Sharon well
Fa: Just look how fa' you've come
Sol La: let's sing and have some fun
Ti: (if you want to play some golf)
Now I can't think of a rhyme (d'oh! d'oh! d'oh!)

Many happy returns!