The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48440   Message #727235
Posted By: GutBucketeer
10-Jun-02 - 10:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Congrats to Dani!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Congrats to Dani!!!
Hi Janie, Hi Dani!

Wow, once you were bitten by the folk bug you got it bad. Wans't it just last fall that you were not sure about having once a month sing-a-longs in your living room, and now your an establishment! Can't wait to hear the Kazoo band in full chorus blasting out tunes, with Dani singing old time gospel, and Janie croonin' the harmony and Annie laying down a nice bass line in the background.

Will there be a GRAND OPENING and GATHERING Down there in the land of Good food (BAR-B-QUE), Good Music, and most important of all GOOD Folks.

Good luck, Good wishes, and Good Times ahead.

JAB Gutbucketeer.