The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48439   Message #727541
Posted By: SharonA
11-Jun-02 - 10:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Any birthday happies to me?(SharonA)
Subject: RE: BS: Any birthday happies to me?(SharonA)
Thanks so much, everyone, for your good wishes and hugs. (You like me! You really like me!) You really have cheered me up, and I really did need it! Please understand that Sunday wasn't a violently sucky day or anything, just a "downer" day. Sundays are always depressing for me as a matter of course, since Sunday is the day my two brothers and I habitually visit my father in the nursing home (actually, the "medical facility" of a retirement community – pretty much the same thing, really). I usually see at least one brother then but, last Sunday, I was the only sibling to show up. I could have gone to an afternoon bluegrass concert but I blew that off to do my daughterly duty, and I'm glad I did since everyone else in the family was absent. Amazingly, my dad, who's 88 and mentally losing touch (holding conversations with my deceased mother, taking day trips with his deceased mother, and so forth), remembered that my brother had reminded him to wish me a happy birthday! After that bright spot, however, the discussion devolved back into descriptions of his twilight fantasy world. So the combination of that depressing chat, plus the absence of any other family members (no cards or phone calls from them, either), plus the lack of any significant other to wine and dine me, left me a little "down" and a little hungry for attention. Thanks again to you all for being so nice!

BTW, one brother called last night to wish me a belated birthday and to say that cards from him and "from Dad" (meaning my brother sent it in Dad's stead) are on the way. Also had some fun and music last night (helping my blind friend work out chords to songs in her Braille book of lyrics). Also had a small epiphany and decided to work on accepting my dad as he is and stop lamenting the loss of what he was. So yesterday was less sucky than Sunday! Whaddaya know – the Mudcat Magic really works!!! *BG*

Some individual replies...

Clinton: Belated birthday happies to you!! When was the auspicious day? (I see you're not listed in the "Birthday" section of the Member Photos & Info page... either... I really must get around to listing mine!) Thanks for posting your Birthday Song – LOL!! How can we listen to the tune (is there a MIDI somewhere?)??

CapriUni: Thanks for the filk! (Actually, I did spend part of my birthday paying bills – that was depressing, too! *G*)

GUEST: Intestinal fortitude? My gastroenterologist would probably disagree (I've had ulcerative colitis and other digestive problems for the last 25 years)! But punning aside, I appreciate the compliment. Yep, my opinions may be unpopular sometimes, but they're MINE, all MINE!!! ha ha ha ha ha... ;^)

Old Scratch: I dunno... I saw that old Twilight Zone episode where you gave that guy immortality and then he murdered his wife, thinking he'd survive capital punishment, but he was instead sentenced to life in prison...

Bat Goddess: I'm sorry to hear about your sucky past birthday. Got your pM; will write back posthaste. Meanwhile... Yeah, yeah, we need a June 9th Club! I can hear the theme song now:
"J-U-N (any ninth of June!)
E--N-I (I'm born then, just like you!)
N-T-H are weeeee!"

Jerry: Right, that song was just for me (not!). About half the people I know call me Sharona, and many's the time I've had that song sung to me! Good wishes to all your June-birthday bunch.

WYSIWYG: 40 more to go. It's okay with me if you space them out; I'm in no hurry!

Chip2447: LOL! Who do you think I took my cue from?!? ;^) Tell ya what: next year, I'll start your birthday thread and you can start mine if you want!

MMario: We Geminis have the same problem. We Geminis have the same problem.

Thanks once again, you wonderful Mudcatters, you! Big hugs to you all!!!